Sara Knoll
The Marker, January 2015
Sara Knoll, painter and sculptor who lives and works in Ramat Hasharon. Sara Knoll's paintings can be defined as experiential paintings, which go through a powerful process in discussing the aesthetic beauty, shape and color.
Coming from Pain
Maariv - Zman Hasharon, September 2011
Sara Knoll, a resident of Ramat Hasharon, became an artist following the severe injury of her husband, and quite a few of her works are born out of identification with the pain of women at the Sexual Assault Victims Assistance Center, where she volunteered.
Playing with Material
Nisha - Home Design Magazine, 2010
She is an autodidact who paints and sculpts using diverse materials, drawing themes for her artwork from her personal life and everyday experiences. She often creates sculptures without planning them in advance, and allows the material to affect the outcome.
This is the head
Mouse, September 2010

Leaving the "succah" and visiting the new exhibition of Sara Knoll, "Context", at the Open Studio weekend in Ramat HaSharon. The artist displays acrylic paintings, bronze and polyester sculptures and more. Each work is reflected with human relation situations that have a story behind them. Curator Dana Steiger.
Q Design Magazine, April 2009

Sara Knoll's sculpture - "mother raising baby" appears in an ad for Niso Furniture Ltd.
Craving for Beauty
Parents & Children, November 2008
The unique and original statement of Sara Knoll, an artist who lives and works in Ramat HaSharon, is evident in her work that is currently on display at the new exhibition held in a little different environment - a showroom for luxury kitchens.
The Motive & The Media
Design Magazine, Ha'eer - Zomet Hasharon, 2008
Sara Knoll loves all materials. She experiments with everything, searches for renewal, takes a subject and duplicates it across all media. And so, the same theme can find itself in paintings, laser-cut iron sculptures and canvas prints.
"Cravings" - Solo Exhibition of Artist Sara Knoll
Nisha - Home Design Magazine, November 2008
Knoll's "Craving" exhibition represent the human desire for food, the woman's desire for a baby and the passion of everyone for beautiful and designed objects. The artist's sculptures and paintings express simplicity and humor and are greatly affected by the trees and landscape surrounding her studio.
Opening Regularly
Laisha Magazine, 2008

Very large sculptures of peppers, made of polyester designed by Sara Knoll. Can be purchased at Poggenpohl Luxury kitchens, 11 Galgaley Haplada St., Herzelia Pituah.
"Because Man is a Tree of the Field"
Miri Krimolovsky - Art Critic and Curator, 2007
When observing the bronze sculpture of a woman which Sara Knoll created, it appears that, through it, you can grasp the entire essence of her work. An elongated, thin-spine figure, with a stomach and chest that look very containing and fertile...
Because the Man
Art, 2007
Sara Knoll's aesthetic bronze sculptures deal with the connection between human and earth. Sara Knoll - "Because Man is a Tree of the Field", "Toot" gallery, Ussishkin 54 Ramat Hasharon.