Sara Knoll’s painting can be defined as experiential painting, which undergoes a very powerful process amidst a discourse between aesthetic beauty, shape and color. The style of her paintings is abstract and lyrical, and they are full of vitality and convey the artist’s optimistic inner self. She primarily paints with acrylics and oils, but also makes use of mixed techniques.
Her sculptures are styled and include figurative elements, expressing on one hand lightheartedness and humor, while profoundly examining human nature on the other. Sarah works in bronze, stone, plaster, wire and polyester.
Her works are displayed in individual shows, and she regularly takes part in group exhibitions as well. Sarah’s works have been sold to private collections both in Israel and throughout the world.
Represented in Israel by:
Zemack Contemporary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv
Tribes Fine Art Gallery, Tel Aviv (2010-2013)
Art & Music Gallery, Jerusalem
The Scots Hotel Gallery, Tiberias
2013 - Winner of the Bank of Melbourne's People Choice Award of Toorak Village Sculpture Exhibition, Australia
2009-2010 Zvi Lachman, Basis Sculpture School – Sculpting & Drawing
2003-2005 Vadim Koptievsky Studio – Oil Painting
1999-2009 Miriam Houri Gutholc Studio – Sculpting
1994-1997 John Byle – Acrylic Painting
1993-1994 Avshalom Institute, Tel-Aviv - Art History
1992-1995 Mathania Abramsson Studio – Stone Sculpting
1991-1992 Open University, Tel-Aviv - Art History
1991-1992 Avinoam Kosovski Studio – Drawing techniques
1988-1990 Helen Atar Studio – Oil Painting
1986-1988 Bella Kol Studio –Sculpting
1984-1985 Rachel Kimhi Studio – Sculpting
1967-1974 Studio Lili, Kiryat Ono - Sculpting
1960-1966 Kibbutzim College, Tel-Aviv - Art Teaching Studies