Craving for Beauty
Parents & Children, November 2008
The unique and original statement of Sara Knoll, an artist who lives and works in Ramat HaSharon, is evident in her work that is currently on display at the new exhibition held in a little different environment - a showroom for luxury kitchens.
Behind this exhibition stands the collaboration between Knoll's and "Poggenpohl" luxury kitchens, so that the exhibition space allows her work to create interesting contexts between two-dimensions to three-dimensions and a dialogue between existance and non-existance and between empty and full.
But what is the connection between art and kitchens, you're probably asking. Well: her works, collected under the title "Craving", show the human desire for food, the woman's desire for a baby and the passion of everyone for beautiful and designed objects. That is also the reason why her works fit so easily in a store.
Knoll herself describes her work: "to express simplicity and humor with the ability to observe human race״, and the materials used for this purpose are varied: bronze, stone, plaster, wire, and polyester.
Besides the stylish sculptures, Knoll also presents lyrical-abstract paintings.
The exhibition is accompanied by a slideshow that hints at the essence that inspires Knoll.
Her works can be purchased, for those interested, through hi-touch gallery and gallery 4 in Tel Aviv and "Toot" in Ramat Hasharon.
"Craving" - An exhibition of the artist Sara Knoll, "Poggenpohl" luxury kitchens showroom. Closing: 1.1.2009, Herzliya Pituach. Telephone: 09-9515252.